Tuesday 10 July 2007

The Disposible Librarian

Sykes, in Brain Friendly School Libraries, states that there are three major areas that make teacher-librarians invaluable

  1. On-site Staff Developer

  2. Information Literacy Agent

  3. Cultural Emissary

Sykes' research and a recent post on the AASL Blog caused me to rethink my pedagogical beliefs. The Blogtator, in The Disposable Librarian, lists criteria of teacher-librarians who do not embrace twenty-first learning. I am continually re-evaluating my role and practices to ensure that I am providing a brain friendly school library program. Although I believe I have transformed my role as a teacher-librarian focused on collection and accessing materials to one concentrated on building a centre of information exploration and creation, I realize that I need to continually revisit and revision aspects of my practice.

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