Saturday 26 February 2011

Reaching Out

Saskatchewan recently unveiled renewed curricula - documents describing not only new units of study,but also new methods of teaching and learning. Teacher librarians have been instrumental in helping teachers refocus their teaching to imbue current practices, adopt an inquiry stance, and plan new units. Backwards design, inquiry learning, and developing literacies (informational, technology, and reading) has become increasing important in ensuring student engagement and achievement.

This month, we will be tackling the new grade one unit Needs and Characteristics of Animals. Project Noah will be used to connect, converse, and collaborate. It is a tool to explore and document wildlife and a platform to harness the power of young scientists. As amateur naturalists, the students will be posting images of wildlife found in the schoolyard and see what others are discovering in their neighbourhoods and across the globe.

Students can upload “spottings,” or photographs of what they have witnessed. The project also features “field missions;” a call to action for grade two student stewardship. Please visit our field mission to view our ideas for sustainability and conservation of the air and water in our environment.

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